COD moves couches, sleepers get creative


Caroline Broderick, Features Editor


As of March 20, librarians have moved numerous couches from the third floor library. Walking through the third floor, it is easy to spot the normal college students in hibernation. Infamously known as the no. 1 place to sleep on campus, students are astounded.


“I don’t know what they expect us to do,” said third year student, Ronald Drumpf. “I think we should build a wall, first they silence us, now this?” said Drumpf. “We’ve got to do something.”
Other students are taking a more creative approach to the circumstances. Found on a trashcan outside the SRC, student Harold Potts explains what the majority of students are doing. “They can’t expect me to sit in a chair in the library and read a book,” said Potts. “So, students are sleeping wherever they can. Believe it or not, the tables here are pretty comfy.”