College of DuPage's Student Newspaper

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College of DuPage's Student Newspaper

The Courier

“Eva's World” Page 32
“Eva's World” Page 31
“Eva's World” Page 32
“Eva's World” Page 31

Athlete of the Week: Ellie Logsdon

An exclusive interview with Ellie Logsdon whose performance on the women’s track and field team earned her a spot for Athlete of the Week.
Photo provided by COD Athletics.

Name: Ellie Logsdon

Sport: Track and Field

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Genoa

High School: Genoa Kingston High School


LG: When did you start running?

EL: I started running track and field in sixth grade. I competed in junior high and all through high school. 


LG: What events do you compete in?

EL: Currently, I’m running the 400, 400 hurdles, 100, 200, 4×1 and 4×4.


LG: Wow!

EL: Yeah, it’s a lot. I don’t know if I’ll run all of them at Nationals, but we’ll see. 


LG: Have you already qualified for Nationals in all of those events?

EL: Yep, all of the events I mentioned, I have already qualified for. And I will probably stick with those six.


LG: When are Nationals?

EL: May 9th through the 11th in Utica, New York.


LG: That’s amazing!

EL: Yeah, I’m super excited to compete!


LG: Which event is your favorite and why?

EL: I would say the 400 because it really pushes me to keep going. The first 300 meters is very difficult in itself, but then trying to keep pushing the last 100 takes a lot of stamina and a lot of mental strength. So, that is something I like the most.


LG: Have you ever had to deal with an injury or other obstacle?

EL: I’m currently facing some issues with my knee. I have to get gel injections to help with the pain. Right now, it’s an obstacle, but it’s something I can tolerate. It’s been an ongoing thing since my senior year of high school. 


LG: What is your proudest moment in track?

EL: Back in high school, when I was team captain, I was able to set a good example for the underclassmen girls and show them that there is always a positive side to things.


LG: How did you decide to compete for COD?

EL: I knew I wanted to go to a junior college at first, and I wanted to continue running track. I saw that COD was an option, and they recruited me. I felt like it was close to home and was a perfect option for me. 


LG: How do you feel about your decision to come to COD now that you’re in track season?

EL: You know, I never knew what I was expecting coming here. I grew up in a small town, so I really wasn’t sure what I was expecting. Coming to COD brought so many opportunities for me. The amount of amazing people who are here and the friendships I’ve already made, I look forward to coming to school every single day. 


LG: Do you think attitude is a factor in winning?

EL: I believe having a good and positive attitude is a great factor. If you don’t have confidence in what you are doing, it’s going to make it a lot harder for you for sure.


LG: What do you eat the night before a big meet?

EL: The night before I typically like to have some sort of protein. I like having salmon for sure. Salmon is probably one of my favorites, and I also like to have quinoa.


LG: Where do you see yourself in five years?

EL: I would like to have my bachelor’s in marketing. I would like to see myself down a business road.


LG: Do you think you’ll transfer somewhere and run at another school?

EL: I’m undecided at the moment. I do want to finish out at least two years of running here. I am still battling these knee injuries, and it’s really up in the air right now as to the longevity of my knees. 


LG: Who is your biggest supporter?

EL: My parents, for sure. They have made so many sacrifices for me and without them I definitely would not be here. I would not be at COD. I would not be as successful as I am. Their endless support is something I never take for granted.


LG: What one word best describes you?

EL: I would say brave. I’m a very brave person. There’s fear before every race. I sometimes let it get to me, but once I get onto the line I don’t let the fear take over. I just know to be brave and to push through.  


LG: Thank you, Ellie!

EL: Of course, thank you, Lily!

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