The Courier takes home 24 ICCJA Awards

From left to right: (front) Karla Villegas Pineda, Madison Venckus, Brooke Shapiro, Kimberly Wilson, (back) Brandon Beckwith, Jim Fuller and Alison Pfaff

Alison Pfaff, Features Editor

College of DuPage’s Courier student newspaper had a successful year at the Illinois Community College Journalism Association’s spring conference in Utica, Ill. Twenty-four awards were won by staff members, including Division 1 General Excellence for the second consecutive year. This is the most awards The Courier has received since at least 2014.

On April 12, COD students found out the results of their submitted entries.

Editor-in-Chief Tessa Morton received first place for news story, first place for news column and second place for arts review.

Graphics Editor Brandon Beckwith took home first place for front page design, second and third place for page design and first place for graphics.

Opinion Editor Kimberly Wilson won first place for editorial writer of the year for the second year in a row, as well as first and second place for staff editorial.

General assignment reporter Joey Weslo received first place for Reporter of the year and first place for sports column.

Former Features Editor Reanna Comiso received second place for feature writing. Comiso is currently at Lewis University studying to teach middle school English.

Features Editor Alison Pfaff received third place for feature writing, second place for feature photo as well as second and third place for news photo.

Former reporter Miguel Contreras won first and second place for sports feature and an honorable mention for sports news.

As a staff, The Courier received second place for their website ( and third place for news series of the year.