People of COD – Kristen Joyce Lopez Wants Minorities to Find Their Voice
Kristen Joyce Lopez’s devotion to her advocacy and ambition pushes her beyond any adversaries the future holds for her.

The Language of Flowers: The Hidden Meanings Behind Every Bloom
Flowers are more than just plants, they hold meaning and significance within society.

Matcha Mania: Traditional and Trendy
Matcha has grown to be a viral sensation, but what exactly is this green drink that’s been popping up on everyone's feed?

How COD is Putting Students’ Mental Health First
While students face down finals week, COD offers a number of resources and events to help.

Sharing Warmth: COD Community Give Back at Doers and Donors Event
As the holidays approach, students and staff unite to make a difference one blanket at a time.

Photo Gallery: Chaps Salute Honors Veterans
COD celebrates Veterans Day with a Presentation of Colors, card writing and donation collections

Insert Coin: A Journey Through Chicago’s Arcade Game Legacy
Exhibit visitors can relive the arcade’s historical revival through Chicago-based Midway’s most famous titles, from Mortal Kombat to NBA Jam.

Invasion of the Pencil Mustache: John Waters Comes To COD
The legendary director of “Hairspray” and “Serial Mom” will be teaching a masterclass to COD students in the Spring 2025 semester

Threads of Time: The Art of Archiving with Millicent Kennedy
Millicent Kennedy’s work stitches the past and present together, preserving a world in flux through the skills of hand-stitching and natural dyeing.

“Gods of Jade and Shadow” Through The Eyes of COD Students
During a recent showcase for the Great Reads Series, students showcased their creative projects and talents.

Bringing Back Life: Kimberly Mullarkey And Her Botanical Art
COD Professor of Graphic Design Kimberly Mullarkey shares her passion for and the importance of nature art.

Chronicling the Untold: The Rich History of Hispanics in the United States
Antonio Ramirez provided an overview of the history of Latinx immigration to the United States while addressing misconceptions regarding the Latinx community.