The Importance Of Volunteering And Appreciating Faculty

Professors are constantly working hard for the students to learn and succeed in their classes. It’s important we appreciate it more.

Jona Padua, Staff Writer

The end of the semester is quickly approaching. Everyone is wrapping up any final work they have to do, cram studying or scavenging for any points they can make up to get a passing grade. Professors and staff are finishing up the semester as well. Whether it’s putting in grades or finishing up some final things, many times their hard work goes unnoticed. Professors deserve to have their hard work recognized and I think ASEZ has done a great job in acknowledging them.

ASEZ stands for “Save the Earth from A to Z,” a volunteer group that is partnered with the Elohist Bible Study Club on campus to fulfill their “SAVE” Movement to make a change. Each of the letters stand for Social Service, Awareness Raising, Victim Relief and Environmental protection, describing the different areas the volunteer group works to fulfill. 

A lot of times faculty are only remembered on a special day or week, but they should be appreciated at any time to truly make their efforts known.  I think it is important, especially after spending some time with these people who work so hard to support us in our education, to let them know just how much we appreciate them.

That is why the members of ASEZ chose different faculty members whom they’ve built a relationship with over the years to give their gifts to.

One of the professors they gave a gift to was their advisor, Steven Mecker, a math professor at COD. He came to visit their table on April 28 to visit and check in on how the group was doing. They were able to catch up with each other and as he was about to leave, the members of the club pulled out a mug filled with coffee, tea, and different treats for him to enjoy. Mecker had graciously accepted the gift and praised the group’s dedication to their cause.

“You guys have been doing the right thing with this group,” says Mecker. 

Even his support shows that not only is it because he personally receives a gift, but because volunteer groups like ASEZ open the door to appreciate others in the community as well.

Another member gave the gift to her Korean teacher, Raekyong Kang, who was very surprised to be given the gift right before class.

“Ah, thank you! Thank you so much! It’s so pretty. Really, thank you,” Kang said.

Through giving the gifts to each of the faculty, it showed they were moved and surprised to be given the gifts from their current and former students. Seeing the bright faces of the professors really motivates me too in wanting to do more for them in the future.

David A. Swope Sr., manager in Student Diversity Equity and Inclusion, was given a gift from one of the former members of the Black Student Alliance which he advises. 

“Thank you guys,” Swope said. “This is important for the students and faculty to work together for a greater change and I definitely plan to see you guys around more often. Things like this are so important so I thank you again.”
There was also a speech teacher, Christopher Miller, who hasn’t seen one of the ASEZ members in years. 

Upon receiving the email with a request to visit and drop off the gift, Miller greeted his old student warmly, saying, “Thank you for thinking of me! I don’t usually receive gifts like this.”

He is one of the many teachers who aren’t properly celebrated, and even you can show your appreciation to your own teacher regardless of being in a volunteer group or not. However, joining one can help encourage you to do so with a group of motivated individuals.

From participating in this kind of event, although it was small, the members of the volunteer group really enjoyed the experience in seeing how happy each of the faculty members were. 

One of the club members, Rachel Walker said, “I was able to see how one small kind action can really touch someone’s day. I was just happy to make a difference in letting each of them feel appreciated.”

This goes to show just how important it is to get involved and how anyone can be a part of a bigger change in their community.


For more information about ASEZ: