Q+A: A chat with our student trustee

Alsion Pfaff

Student Trustee Anthony Walker

Vandy Manyeh, News Editor

Student Trustee Anthony Walker is our representative on the college’s board of trustees. Walker sat down with the Courier’s news editor to talk about his time as a trustee and a recent vote to close down the Early Childhood Center.

Vandy Manyeh: How would you describe your term as a student trustee?

Anthony Walker: I would describe it as very informative. It’s very enjoyable. Definitely, you don’t know what you are getting in to. You just know it’s a good experience, and you have those feelings and thoughts. I wouldn’t regret doing anything. I enjoy my time serving on the board and also collaborating with the Student Leadership Council (SLC) and administration.

VM: Your term is about to come to an end. What would you like to achieve in the coming months?

AW: I am on board with helping the SLC get ready for their elections in April; so making sure whoever is the student trustee for the upcoming term is well prepared and know exactly what he/she is signing up for. I want to make sure he/she is comfortable with that decision.

VM: What are your plans after COD?

AW: I’m going to continue with school. I’m going for my bachelor’s in management. I’m going to continue with classes and continue building my brand and get ready for the workforce.

VM: We have often talked about the student trustee having a binding vote when decisions are made. What do you think?

AW: I do think it is important for my fellow trustees and administration to hear what the students’ perspective is. The board can’t run without students. I definitely think it’s important that everyone listens to the students’ opinion and take their voice throughout the decision making process. I think we are doing well with that. President Ann Rondeau is very insightful. She welcomes students’ opinions. She usually asks us about ideas before decisions are made. This is very commendable on her part. Also with the board, they are focused on students. They keep the best interest of students in mind. So, overall, I think it is important to have a binding vote.

VM:  Students’ involvement is a problem here at COD and other community colleges. What have you done to bridge that gap between students and the SLC?

AW: I don’t necessarily look at that as a gap. SLC does a lot and gets overlooked. SLC does a lot to boost students’ involvement and to get the word out there. With Student Life, they do a lot of events throughout the semester that increase students’ involvement. We can encourage students to get the most out of their experience while they are here. If you are just going to classes and not getting involved, you are not going to have a very good experience of COD. The SLC has a bunch of things going on over the semester to promote and increase students’ involvement. At the end of the day, it is up to students to take part in those opportunities.

VM: You voted against a decision to close down the Early Childhood Center. Although the board decided to close the center down, do you think it is important for the college to go back to the drawing board and listen to the concerns raised by students and community members?

AW: When you are running a business, you have to be mindful of things. You are going to face tough decisions. You have to make sacrifices. I don’t think it was a poor decision. I think the decision was made because the center wasn’t making any money. It was in a deficit for multiple years. I do think that there could’ve been improved communication on that topic, and that’s the reason I voted that way.

VM: The college is celebrating Black History Month. How do you feel about the month?

AW: I love Black History Month. It’s always a great experience. It is always good to continue expanding my knowledge and learning about black history. Sometimes, you think you know a lot. But when you hear new things, it challenges you to keep diving into it, like this is a part of my culture. That puts me in a position to be knowledgeable about it, so I can spread the gospel to my siblings and families. I’m excited about the programs that we have ongoing about Black History Month. It’s always a great environment to be a part of.