Presidential Candidates: What you need to know about the top names
September 11, 2015
As the Presidential race begins to pick up speed, it may be time to start studying up on candidates. The race so far has been full of opposing ideas, controversial names and even candidates holding unfriendly twitter conversations. The Courier has put together a list of some of the race’s top names along with what the candidates stand for. These candidates were chosen based on their high percentages on polls conducted by Public Policy Polling.
Hillary Clinton:
Qualifications: Former Secretary of State, Former U.S. Senator Former first lady
Campaign Statements: Keep military off of the grounds of the Islamic State, cut taxes for middle class, encourage transparency between the National Security Agency and U.S. citizens
What she’s for: Abortion rights, gender equality, same sex marriage, Obamacare, higher taxes on higher income, easier to gain citizenship, expand free trade
What she’s against: Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, expanding the military
Bernie Sanders:
Qualifications: Current U.S. senator, former U.S Representative
Campaign Statements: Create easier access to becoming a U.S citizen, withdraw from Iraq war soon, make college more affordable to all students
What he’s for: Abortion rights, gender equality, same sex marriage, Obamacare, higher taxes on higher income, easier to gain citizenship, avoiding foreign trade and conflict
What he’s against: Keeping God in the public, expanding free trade
Donald Trump:
Qualifications: Current President of The Trump Organization
Campaign Statements: Climate change is not a real issue that needs to be addressed, replace Obamacare, secure the country’s boundaries against illegal immigration
What he’s for: Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, higher taxes on higher income, expanding the military
What he’s against: Abortion rights, same sex marriage, legally hiring both genders, Obamacare, legalizing illegal immigrants, expanding free trade
Ben Carson:
Qualifications: Former Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Campaign Statements: Climate change is “irrelevant,” U.S military should work to defeat the Islamic State militant group, time to rethink “common core” school requirements
What he’s for: Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, avoiding foreign conflict and trade
What he’s against: Abortion rights, same sex marriage, Obamacare, higher taxes on higher income, making it easier to become a citizen
Scott Walker:
Qualifications: Current Governor of Wisconsin
Campaign Statements: Overturn the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, begin the conversation to remove income tax, take more dire steps against ISIS
What he’s for: Gender equality, Keeping God in the public, gun ownership, expanding free trade, expanding the military
What he’s against: Abortion rights, same sex marriage, Obamacare, higher taxes on higher income, avoiding foreign conflict and trade