It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later
December 11, 2019

Out of any story with tons of sources, I have to admit this is probably the hardest story I have ever had to write. After almost two years on the Courier staff, this is my final article for a while. That concept is mind-blowing to me. It seems like just yesterday I walked into the Courier newsroom for the interview with former Editor-in-Chief Carlos Peterson.
After transferring to COD from another school as a journalism major, and switching after one semester, I really did not think I would do anything with journalism again. I figured that ship had sailed. I thought for sure I wouldn’t be writing stories again. On a whim, after having experience with journalism in high school, I decided to give it a shot one more time. I’m so glad I did.
My position changed over the years. From assistant photo editor, to head photo editor, to features editor, briefly, to managing editor. Going into the job, I figured I would take pictures every week of sports games or events, and that would be about the extent of it. I had no idea I would end up having an article in the Daily Herald magazine “25 West,” or rediscover a passion for writing.
I have met some of the most talented, supportive coworkers and adviser. Former Editor-in-Chief Tessa Morton and Adviser Jim Fuller are big reasons for why I felt confident to write stories again. Jim has been one of the best teachers I have ever had. He dealt with my constant nagging to make sure my stories are the best they can be and has seen the best and worst of all of us.
Something I will miss dearly about The Courier is the atmosphere in the newsroom. From the weekly meetings, which usually resulted in off-topic shenanigans, Illinois Community College Journalism Association trips in the dad van, to being the champs, various scandals, and out-of-context quotes later, I can safely say that the Courier changed my life for the better. I learned to be confident in my own work, accomplish tasks under pressure and have fun while doing it.
I am forever grateful for the experiences I have had on The Courier and to those who allowed me to try different things. The lessons I have learned through this job will apply to the rest of my college career and beyond.