Glenn Hansen to retire next May

Glenn Hansen (Right) at a recent scholarship reception

Vandy Manyeh, News Editor

After more than 26 years of service to the College of DuPage, Glenn Hansen will retire on May 31, 2018.

As a professor, Hansen teaches digital photography, the foundation of film photography, color photography and much more. Hansen also served as president of the COD faculty association from 2007-2008 and a second term from 2012-2016.

Hansen was succeeded by chemistry Professor Richard Jarman.

“Well done, Glenn,” said Jarman when he read a statement at Thursday’s board meeting.

Hansen was an outspoken voice during the college’s “troubled days” and led the faculty when the ‘no confidence’ vote was handed down against former President Robert Breuder. Henson will also be remembered for his role in helping the college settle its accreditation crises.  

His work is visible within the COD community as both an artist and a respected professor.  

“He is an important and brave leader of the COD faculty, and he modeled graceful and steady resilience to decisions that transpired at our school over the course of several awful years,” said Professor of English Jackie McGrath.

Hansen was an instrumental person on the presidential search committee that recommended President Ann Rondeau to the board of trustees.

“I would like to thank Glenn not only for hiring me but for his many years of service,” Rondeau said.

In honor of his legacy, the COD foundation established the “Glenn Hansen Leadership Scholarship” earlier this year. Board Chairwoman Deanne Mazzochi donated $10,000 to the fund when it was established.