Earlier this year, I went to both Walt Disney World and Universal Studios, both in Orlando Fla. Both are popular vacation spots, but Universal is the better theme park. The prices aren’t as crazy as Disney World. If you’re looking for your next vacation spot or a last-minute spring break trip, consider skipping the mouse and driving straight to Universal.
If you ever went to Disney World as a kid, you already know it is the perfect vacation for the happiest magic on earth. But for us college-aged vacationers Universal Studios is the way to go. You don’t have to travel on a bus or monorail compared to Disney World. The way they handle the rides when they break down, along with the way the addition that some rides offer lockers to put your valuable items such as Phone, Wallets, loose jewelery exc which also much better than Disney World since they don’t have any of those locker areas. Another reason is the rides are much more thrilling, from a grown-up perspective, than Disney is.
Take the Under the Sea – Journey of The Little Mermaid. The ride has its moments but is a bit boring. In comparison, the Tron Legacy Ride, also at Magic Kingdom, is very fast and thrilling. The only down part is the lines are long, but when you get on the ride it is worth it.
The worst ride at Universal Studios Orlando is The Fast and and Furious Supercharged, but it should be called the Super Tourist. I remember when I first rode this ride I was anticipating that it was gonna be an elite thrill ride, but man was I disappointed. The best ride at Universal Studios is HollyWood Rip Ride Rockit. If you want an over-the-top thrilling ride, then HollyWood Rip Ride Rockit is the way to go. Not only is it a great ride, but you even get to pick the song that plays as you’re on it, which is a nice detail.
Speaking of atmosphere, despite their reputation for being child-friendly, Disney has dealt with more lawsuits in recent years than Universal. One of Disney’s latest lawsuits was about a woman who died after consuming a food allergen after informing staff of said allergen. Her husband tried suing Disney, but Disney’s lawyers argued he couldn’t sue because he had subscribed and agreed to the terms of service for Disney+. The judge in the case, however, did not allow Disney’s attempt to get the case thrown out. Universal Studios hasn’t dealt with many lawsuits compared to Disney. Another notable controversy was when Disney took out alligator animatronics on rides and costumes after a 2 year old got killed by an alligator at one of the on-site resorts.
With spring break coming up, both parks are expected to draw huge crowds. If you’re traveling with little kids and family on a trip then Disney World would be the way to go. But if you’ve grown past the magic of fairytales and out for something more adult-friendly, then Universal is the right choice.