Board of Trustees Approves $2 Tuition Increase
The board of trustees unanimously approved a tuition increase of $2 starting Fall ‘22.
Students will have to pay more for tuition starting Fall ’22.
April 11, 2022
As COD’s projections show that enrollment rates will continue to decline, the board of trustees have been focused on how to address a budget that does not include enough revenue to cover expenses. The board of trustees approved a $2 per credit hour increase in tuition in a special meeting on March 31.
The increase is in response to a 3.8% decrease in enrollment in fiscal year ‘22 and an anticipated 3% decrease in fiscal year ‘23. The college anticipates $10 million in lost tuition revenue for fiscal year ‘23 as a result of the decreased enrollment.
Tuition for in-district students enrolling in Fall 2022 is $140 per credit hour and out-of-district tuition $327 per credit hour. The college’s in-district tuition rate is the highest among neighboring community colleges.
The board unanimously approved the increase. Trustee Daniel Markwell said the increase is just one in a series of tuition hikes needed.
“I think this is the right move going forward,” Markwell said. “I think over the next several years the board has to continue to consider additional increases to tuition until we get into a better financial position.”
Student Trustee Naila Sabahat also spoke in favor of the raised tuition rate.
“I think it’s a very valid increase,” said Sabahat. “I also asked my peers about it, and they also think it’s a very appropriate choice to make right now.”
Trustee Florence Appel said input from the office of financial aid indicated the raised tuition will have an insignificant impact on students with the most financial need.
“I was able to confirm that this nominal increase will have little or no impact on our students with the greatest financial need,” said Appel. “We should note that the Pell grant, which has recently been increased for all students and will soon be available to short-term students enrolled in career certificate programs, will more than cover the increase.” The Pell is a government grant awarded to students with exceptional financial need.
Not all trustees who voted to raise tuition are convinced more increases are needed in the near future. Trustee Annette Corrigan approved of the increase but expressed hesitance toward speaking about continued yearly increases until the college has data to make those decisions in the future.

“I have no objection to the modest increase at $2 per credit hour. Just as long as we are clear that we are not approving an entire plan for several years to come, but we’re approving just this increase at this point in time,” said Corrigan.
The increased tuition will be effective in Fall 2022. COD lists tuition rates for upcoming semesters here.
Martha Biggum • Apr 12, 2022 at 8:44 am
I have to say I am disappointed to hear this news. Ask any student in the hallway, “How many jobs do you have?” Most will say that they have two jobs. It’s not a modest increase, Corrigan. It’s sad to see how disconnected upper management is of why students come here. Students come to COD for a great education that is affordable. As a student I can think of several areas to shave the fat at COD. But who am I? Just a student, just a student. Very sad, COD. All these staff making well over 100k a year and yet cannot right this college in a good direction. Great article, Courier, as always. Thank you for writing this up.