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College of DuPage's Student Newspaper

The Courier

“Eva's World” Page 32
“Eva's World” Page 31
“Eva's World” Page 32
“Eva's World” Page 31

Athlete of the Week: Sarah Topps

An exclusive interview with Sarah Topps whose performance on the women’s basketball team earned her a spot for Athlete of the Week.
Photo provided by COD Athletics.

Name: Sarah Topps

Sport: Basketball

Position: Forward/Center

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Wheaton

High School: Wheaton North


LG: When did you start playing basketball?

ST: I started playing in third grade, but just with siblings and stuff like that. But, actually playing on a team, I would say fifth grade.


LG: What has been your favorite part of the season so far?

ST: I would say meeting the team at the beginning. In the summer, we didn’t really have the whole team there, so it was hard to get to know everybody, and we knew there were more people coming in. So, honestly, the first practice is my favorite.


LG: What are the strengths you have that make you a great athlete?

ST: I’d say being a team player and being a leader, especially with people around our age. It’s hard to listen to older people with authority because we’re getting to that age where we’re adults ourselves. So just being one of the few people that my team is comfortable listening to, not necessarily taking orders from, and knowing when it’s the right time to listen and not question authority.


LG: What keeps you motivated when the team is losing?

ST: Honestly, our team chemistry and our coaches. Without them, we wouldn’t ever be a team. That has to do with on and off the court. They push us in practice. They also push us in academics. They push us to be a better person every day. But also as a team, we always are looking to play for each other. So, having that on your back and playing for each other is really important.


LG: What does your nutrition plan look like when you’re in basketball season?

ST: It depends on the day and the week. If we have a lot of games, it’s very light. So, fruit salad consistently and drinking water. But, for example, last week we didn’t have a game until yesterday, so it was more pasta-based and getting the protein and nutrients back from playing two games every two weeks. 


LG: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received from a coach? 

ST: It came from my high school coach, but I know he got it from somebody else. You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take. 


LG: Do you have any advice for younger people just starting out in basketball?

ST: Stay in the gym. Especially when you’re young. Talent can only take you so far. So get in the gym. Put up shots. Spend the extra hour or two hours just working on what you want to be great at.


LG: What are some of your favorite hobbies?

ST: Definitely playing Fortnite. I think that’s the top thing right now. Spending time with family is very important too. Also, I like listening to music and going on late-night drives.


LG: Who has been your biggest supporter?

ST: I would say my mom and God. My mom has been there for every game she possibly can. She has seizures a lot, so she’s not able to attend every game. We found out that she has epilepsy about a year ago, so it’s very recent. It’s a lot of change, but so far it’s manageable. But she’s always been there, and I know God has always been there for me too.


LG: What one word best describes you?

ST: I’d say funny or smiley. I always have a smile on my face. It doesn’t seem right if I’m not smiling. Even on the hardest days, putting a smile on your face can go a long way. I try to always be open-minded to the possibilities that can come my way if I change my attitude. 


LG: Thank you very much, Sarah.

ST: Thank you!

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