Q+A With Jenna Hampton

Lucas Koprowski

Jenna Hampton in the Student Life area on March 20.

If anyone gained a sort of celebrity status from COD Snaps, it was Jenna Hampton. The first-year graphic design student became a local viral star when she began posting videos of herself singing and talking while lying down in her bed. On a page where people were trying so hard to show what they were doing but not who they were, Jenna was one of the few who dared to do both.

Hampton quickly gained a following with users posting messages, photos and videos discussing her. While some complimented her confidence and openness, others made direct attacks on her personal character. Before she knew it, the name ‘Jenna’ had become synonymous with COD Snaps and almost every other post on the account featured a reference to her. With the pure saturation of the account with posts about just one 18-year old girl, users started to wonder if Hampton herself was the moderator, constantly posting items about herself in an attempt to make herself a local legend. Hampton was quick to deny this rumor, insinuating that the moderator either was obsessed with Hampton or was receiving so much content about her that the individual had to post it. The Courier sat down with Hampton to find out what is was like to be, in her words, “COD famous.”

Why did you begin posting on COD snaps?

I wasn’t even on it [to begin with]. Someone told me about it and said “I’ve seen you on it,” I saw people posting mean things about me. The first thing I saw on there about was ‘Jenna Hampton’s so gross.” I don’t get mad very easily but I am not one to sit there and see all this stuff about me and not say anything. If you have a problem with me, come find me and we can talk.

Why did people start posting about you before you started posting on COD snaps?

People just think I am some type of bad person. Guys are cool with me but girls are jealous.

Why did you keep posting?

I just thought it was really stupid, but I just thought if people are going to give me all this attention, then why not? It’s not that I wanted the attention but [the amount of attention I was getting] was out of control.

How does it feel to become so popular from COD Snaps?

It can be annoying. I can’t walk down the halls without someone calling out my name.

Where do you see yourself in the future?   

I want to transfer to Illinois State University or Whitewater. I don’t know exactly what I want to do but I am sure I want to major in Graphic Design and get a job in it.

Do you think what you did on COD Snaps will affect you in the future?

[What I did on COD Snaps] could affect me. It could affect a lot of people, not just me.

Do you think COD Snaps should get shut down?

I feel that eventually it should just get shut down. A lot of people are getting bullied on there, not just me.

What would you like people to know about you that they can’t see on COD Snaps?

I was basically homeless for three weeks. I am living with my cousin now but that is only temporary. I just came back to school. I have so much going on right now, so [people who were making fun of her on Snapchat] are basically making fun of a homeless girl. My parents kicked me out because my ex-boyfriend was basically crazy.  I have so much stuff going on, I don’t need to go on Snapchat.

A lot of the people who post things about me use a black screen. I always show my face. If you want to talk to me, show your face, so I can talk to you and tell you to stop.

Why do you think that COD Snaps has become so popular?

Probably because of me, now. Everyone tells me I am COD famous. I was just trying to stand up for myself and then it turned into this. It was not my intention to become famous.

Will you ever stop posting?

If people stop being mean to me but if people keep on continuing to say stuff about me, I will continue.  A lot of the people who post things about me use a black screen. I always show my face.