Michael Flynn: Thrown Out


Kitt Fresa, News Editor

Just in the way Republicans cried for Hillary’s prosecution, some Democrats are now calling for Michael Flynn’s. Calls for an investigation and possible prosecution of Michael Flynn are all part of taking the former national security adviser’s discussions with Russia seriously, according to at least one College of DuPage professor.

After just 24 days of being the new National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn has been forced to resign. During the election President Barack Obama had placed sanctions on Russia in response to their alleged attempts to hack the Democratic National Convention. Before Flynn was appointed as National Security Advisor, he had a phone call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak discussing these sanctions between the U.S and Russia. Flynn had also apparently told the Russians to expect a reprieve on those sanctions. Flynn denied these actions but after discovering that the phone calls were recorded by intelligence officials he said he couldn’t remember if the topic had come up in their conversations.

Vice President Mike Pence and other White House Officials were later revealed to have been misled by Flynn. Pence had even come out on TV defending Flynn before realizing the truth.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the reason why Trump decided to ask for Flynn’s resignation was because,”The president must have complete and unwavering trust for the person in that position. The evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation in a series of other questionable instances is what led the president to ask for Gen. Flynn’s resignation.”

During the Republican Convention, Flynn was actually a speaker, and in reference to Hillary Clinton’s alleged illegal activities, he shouted, “Lock her up!” after talking about how she “put our nation’s security at extremely high risk.” Now Democrats are asking to “lock up” Flynn after his actions. On his show Real Time, Bill Maher said that this is “the most serious political scandal we have ever had in the United States.”

Could it be? Have the actions Flynn participated be considered treason? Could he ever be prosecuted? In an interview with David Goldberg, a Professor of Political Science at College of DuPage we discussed just that. After being asked whether he thought Flynn should be prosecuted he had this to say. “That should be a possibility, if that’s where the evidence leads and the investigation leads. At a minimum Senate, Foreign Relations and House Armed Services and Intelligence all need to ask questions, and there probably needs to be an independent investigation that doesn’t involve Attorney General “Jeff” Sessions. So I think that this is very serious.”

The possibility of blackmail was also something that lingered with this issue. Flynn’s information given to Russia could’ve easily lead to Russia asking for more.

“I think that depends on what the information is, Goldberg said.” “There’s certainly the appearance, the optics are that something’s going on here. I think what Trump said yesterday in the press conference is absolutely true. If someone is between administrations and they’re reaching out to their counterpart saying “Hi, Happy New Year, How’re you doing, look forward to working with you.” That’s a very different conversation than “Obama just introduced new sanctions and kicked out 30 Russian diplomats, we’re asking you to chill out on that until the new guy comes in.” Making policy when you are not in government, speaking on behalf of the establishment of foreign policies is criminal activity. There’s no gray area there.”

After Trump’s primary replacement, Bob Harward, turned down the position, Trump’s secondary choice, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, accepted the advisory role.