Letter: Learning Commons can help too


We would like to respond to the “5 Tips for Managing Life” article in the March 4 Courier.  The editor indicated that she needed to find some friends to help her revise and edit her one-page paper. The Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance (WRSA) area in the Learning Commons is just the place for any currently enrolled COD student seeking assistance! If you need to develop a thesis statement, revise a paper, cite sources or work on other writing-related issues, come to the WRSA.  Struggling with difficult vocabulary or reading a chapter in your textbook? Stop by the WRSA for some tips and strategies to make it a bit easier. If you need to organize a speech outline or practice your presentation, make an appointment in the WRSA. Located in the Learning Commons, SRC 2102, we have coaches available seven days a week. Walk in (we are very close to Starbucks) or give us a call at 630-942-3355.  We look forward to seeing you soon!


-WRSA Coaches, Learning Commons