Human Services class fights sexual assault

Kelly Wynne, Features Editor

College of DuPage’s Advocacy in Human Services 1170 class has set out to tackle the ever-growing problem on sexual assault in their 2014 fall advocacy project. The class has taken the name “Don’t Be That Guy” to promote their event, which will take place from 8:30-11:30 on Dec. 2 near Starbucks.

The event will include many different opportunities for students, most importantly the opportunity to sign a pledge to keep both women and men safe from sexual assault. The pledge stems from current white house campaign, “It’s On Us”, where the it can be signed online.

The contents of the pledge are as followed:

This pledge is a personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault.

It is a promise not to be a bystander to the problem, but to be a part of the solution.

I Pledge:

To recognize that non-consensual sex is sexual assault.

To identify situations in which sexual assault may occur.

To intervene in situations where consent has not or cannot be given.

To create an environment in which sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported.


The class believes that preventing sexual assault is not only the responsibility of those involved, but is also the responsibility of bystanders who may suspect something. Student Danielle Jablonki is focused on communicating the bystander’s role, as well as targeting common people who become predators without meaning to.

“If you see something fishy going down as a bystander, you’re gonna be the person to say ‘Hey, don’t be that guy’,” said Jablonski.

The campaign is designed to target everyday students who may not be in the right mindset to make decisions. “There’s so much being done everywhere to target the would-be victims, and we’re more looking for the guy or girl at a party who has a little bit too much to drink and doesn’t know when to stop,” said Jablonski.

For more information on the COD event, look for the Facebook page “Don’t Be That Guy – Help End Sexual Assault”. If you cannot make the event on campus, but wish to sign the pledge, you can do so at