History of Fashion explores Renaissance Design

Melissa Heischberg wearing a Grey Middle Class Kirtle and Gown in a Renaissance fair.

Melissa Heischberg wearing a Grey Middle Class Kirtle and Gown in a Renaissance fair.

Lucas Koprowski, Photography Editor

Whether you enjoy the rich history of textiles, or you want to become more acquainted with the evolution of society’s fashion standards, College of DuPage offers an interesting course on the History of Costumes (FASHI-1130.)

This class is driven by the passion of instructor Melissa Heischberg, who has been making Renaissance-era clothing for over a decade. She started her journey through fashion when she was a teenager while attending a Renaissance Fair in Wisconsin.

“I went up there when I was younger for my first time, I don’t think I was even in a costume; and I remember seeing the court and all the glitter and the layers and how amazing it was. I asked myself ‘What is this?’,” Heischberg said. Ever since then, she has been making Renaissance costumes for both herself and for friends. Heischberg has even expanded the collection to produce for clients.

The class is a full 16-week semester course and has a follow-up class called History of Costumes (FASHI-1131) for students who wish to learn more in depth. History of Costumes is a great creative outlet for students looking to expand their horizons and learn more about where current day fashion began.


If you want to see more examples of her work, you can find them here: http://www.sempstress.org/category/pictures/costumes/