Courier staff’s ultimate finals studying tips

Courier Staff



Quin’s super secret study tip: while you’re studying, record yourself reading all of the material with your phone. All smart phones have voice recording apps nowadays. Record the questions, answers, everything. When you’re all done and you have a bunch of audio files, get some headphones and listen to yourself study while you continue to study. Then, listen to yourself study while you sleep at night. Do this every waking moment until your test, then feel good about your A. Feel free to email your thanks to me at [email protected].



Stop Studying

Yes, this is a study section. Yes, this tip seems counterproductive, but hear me out.

Picture this: you’re studying for your finals next week on the most beautiful day of the year so far. You’re stuck inside, and your brain is talking in circles, constantly distracted by the idea of being somewhere else. At this point you have two options. You can force yourself to study, feeling tortured the whole time, or you can simply take a break.

I’ve learned it’s best to take a step back in situations like this. Face it. If you aren’t motivated enough to keep your mind on the topic for a few minutes, the study session won’t benefit you anyway. Next time you find yourself aimlessly procrastinating, take a breather from your work. Go for a walk or run. Doing something physical can help you focus on future tasks. If that isn’t up your alley, go to the mall with a friend. Do something that will make you happy and will get your mind off of the studying at hand. That way, when you return to it, you won’t feel as if you’ve been thinking about it the whole day with no advances.
Now, this comes with a bit of study flexibility. If you waited until the last minute to complete the assignment, you’re out of luck. Take advantage of windows of motivation throughout the week, and stay on top of your work. This will allow you to take breaks when you need it most and ultimately help you produce work you can be proud of.



Create your own prison

How do I study? This question is tough for one specific reason: I don’t study. Let me clarify.  I do study, but it can only be in one very specific place. The moment I step into my house, all motivation and desire to finish my enormous workload flies right out the window, so my studying journey has been focused around finding a place that puts me in the zone. I feel as though I am not alone in this.

The only solution to this issue is finding that one spot where I can whip out all of my work. This is on a COD Library computer. The majority of work I need completed is online, whether it’s online quizzes, essays or Blackboard. The thing about COD computers is that others who are doing their work diligently surround you.

Being on a school computer also discourages you from going on other websites to find distractions. You wouldn’t want to open your Tumblr dashboard, Facebook or Pinterest feed where everybody can see what pops up. I always feel pressured to focus on my work when other students around me are working and faculty walks around making sure it remains quiet. Bonus: the library is open for extended hours during finals.

Another thing is its accessibility. You don’t need a library card to simply work in the library or computer labs. You don’t even have to use their computers. You can take your laptop anywhere. It’s proven that new locations help with your focus and drive to complete work; the library has endless corners and new nooks to get lost in your work.
I’m done sounding like a complete nerd raving about the library. There’s something about being surrounded by books that makes you want to create the best work and gives you the ability to do so. Try it this finals week!


Bethany Berg

Cheat Sheet

No, I’m not telling you to cheat on your finals. I’m saying that you should go half of the way there.

Review, revise and redo: the three R’s to outlines. When studying, you’re going to hit some rough spots of information that you don’t know. Write it down, as if you could bring it to your final to remember it there. Keep going with all of the information you don’t know until you have a list, and then study the list until you don’t need it anymore. As your test date comes closer, limit your “Cheat Sheet,” or outline, to things that you need to work on until your test day arrives and you feel confident in your knowledge to leave the sheet at home, or review until just before your test.

It’s a nice way to condense information into bits that you can retain and practice on the go, instead of carrying your heavy notebook or textbook around with you. You got this!