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College of DuPage's Student Newspaper

The Courier

“Eva's World” Page 32
“Eva's World” Page 31
“Eva's World” Page 32
“Eva's World” Page 31

Athlete of the Week: Kevin Diederich

An exclusive interview with Kevin Diederich whose performance on the men’s cross country team earned him a spot for Athlete of the Week.
Photo provided by COD Athletics.

Name: Kevin Diederich

Sport: Cross Country

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Elmhurst

High School: Willowbrook High School


Lily Goodfellow: When and how did you start running cross country?

Kevin Diederich: I started running cross country in middle school. In fifth grade, I ran a good mile and my teacher recommended I join track. The next year they switched straight to cross country and completely abandoned track, which I was happy about. I ran both track and cross country in high school. Originally, I didn’t want to do track, but a lot of people did some very big convincing to get me to do it. 


LG: What is your favorite distance to run and do you have a favorite course?

KD: I prefer the 8k for cross country. In high school, it’s three miles. I think for track it will be the 10k. I haven’t run the 10k yet, but I have run 10k’s before and they’re pretty nice. As for a favorite racecourse, I’d probably say the Northwestern Medicine course. That one was really nice. I like the hills.


LG: You earned All-American honors by finishing second in the 8,000 meter race at the Championship this year. What are some other highlights of the season?

KD: My first race back from a big injury wasn’t the best race, but we got to swim in Lake Michigan after, which was fun. That was probably my biggest highlight of the season.


LG: What was your injury and how did it happen?

KD: I sprained my ankle on the very first day of practice. I accidentally stepped into a little hole near the track when I wasn’t looking in the grass. It felt fine for most of that week, but then when it came to the long run on Sunday, about 86 minutes in I was really feeling it, and I just had to stop from the pain. So I missed all of August and most of September.


LG: Your head coach said you really came on strong in the latter half of the season. What do you attribute that to?

KD: I feel my injury, even though it hindered me for the first part of the season, it also made me realize what I was missing out on by not running. Getting injuries and not being able to run always makes you realize what you’re losing, and it makes you gain a new appreciation for the sport.


LG: What do you eat the night before a big meet, and do you have any pre-race rituals?

KD: So the night before is usually pasta dinner night, so I get in a lot of carbs and usually a bit of protein with chicken. For pre-race rituals, I tie my shoes with a specific runner’s knot using the little back loops. I usually like to kiss my left spike. And although this isn’t a pre-race ritual, I have a lucky white cap I like to wear.


LG: What do you listen to while running?

KD: Usually, I like to listen to a lot of rock and faster music. Maybe a little bit of lighter metal. Not anything too serious.


LG: How have your coaches helped you?

KD: Coach Cervenka is a really great coach. He helps us get organized, and he’s a really great coach overall. Coach Domingas is really good at creating the workouts. She creates a very nice team, and I feel like she really helps with the team dynamics.


LG: What’s your favorite class right now, and what are you most looking forward to in the spring semester?

KD: I’d probably say my favorite class right now is my CIS class. I’ve gotten to do a lot of very interesting things in that. Next semester I am looking forward to my Anthropology class.


LG: What one word best describes you?

KD: I’d say persistent.


LG: Thank you very much, Kevin!

KD: No problem. Thank you.

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