Name: Jaylen Zachary
Sport: Women’s Basketball
Position: Guard
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Romeoville
High School: Romeoville High School
Lily Goodfellow: When did you start playing basketball?
Jaylen Zachary: I started playing in sixth grade at A. Vito Martinez Middle School in Romeoville.
LG: What kind of commitment does it take to be a student athlete and what motivates you to keep that commitment?
JZ: I believe that it takes discipline, motivation, and you have to have a goal to be able to play basketball in college. And I think that what keeps me going is my coaches, especially because of the bond I have with them. And to know that me being here helps my team too.
LG: How do you plan to make basketball a part of your life long-term?
JZ: The things I’ve learned from it, like time management, responsibility, and taking accountability. I plan to take everything that I’ve learned from basketball and apply it to real life and the real world, and a “big girl job,” you could say.
LG: What do you like best about being part of a team sport?
JZ: My teammates! And the celebrations when we win. The camaraderie is really great and it’s a great environment.
LG: What is your proudest moment?
JZ: In high school, when I got an MVP All-Tournament. I feel as if that was the first step to me being seen and people actually knowing my name.
LG: Who are some of your role models in basketball and why?
JZ: I only have one, which is Kelsey Plum. She is a WNBA player. I think we have gone through many similar things, as in mental health and battles to get to the top. Everything she does, her moves to her mentality, really inspires me. I pick up a lot of things from her.
LG: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
JZ: Probably Oregon. Because there’s a lot of trees and forests and I’m really big on nature.
LG: What is your idea of a perfect weekend?
JZ: Just hanging out with friends, or watching Coraline, and spending time outside.
LG: What is your dream job?
JZ: My dream is to be a special agent in the FBI or a defense attorney.
LG: What one word best describes you?
JZ: Confident.
LG: Thank you very much, Jaylen.
JZ: Thank you!