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“Eva's World” Page 32
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“Eva's World” Page 32
“Eva's World” Page 31

Athlete of the Week: Guy Defeo

An exclusive interview with Guy Defeo whose performance on the men’s soccer team earned him a spot for athlete of the week.
Photo provided by COD Athletics

Name: Gaetano (Guy) Defeo

Sport: Soccer

Position: Midfielder

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Lombard

High School: St Francis


Lily Goodfellow: When did you start playing soccer?

Guy Defeo: I first started playing soccer when I was four years old at the park district, so pretty much all my life. From there I went on to play club [soccer] and then that intertwined with high school and now college.


LG: What do you enjoy most about playing for COD?

GD: I really enjoy the group that we have. It’s a really fun group. We have come together really well and we love to compete. Hopefully, we’re moving in a positive direction.


LG: How do you think the team will do this season?

GD: I think we’re looking to build on last season. We’re headed in the right direction, looking to improve and obviously compete at the highest level that we can.


LG: Do you have any rituals before a game?

GD: Personally I just like listening to music and getting warmed up. Just getting my mind in the right place to be successful. 


LG: What is your best memory from soccer so far?

GD: Here at COD, probably when we qualified for regionals last year. We were one game away from doing that and got a win against a really good competitive team, so that was a really fun day.


LG: What have you learned about teamwork from your experience in soccer?

GD: In soccer, it’s really important to try to put your teammates’ needs above your own and put yourself in the best situation where you can be a positive contributor to what the team is trying to do.


LG: What’s the biggest impact a coach or teacher has had on you?

GD: Teachers and coaches here at COD have been really accommodating with the student-athlete life balance. Obviously putting my academics first, they’ve been really helpful to me with all that. COD has been a really nice fit. I was getting recruited at multiple places, and I felt like this was the best fit, both academically and for soccer. 


LG: What is your plan for after COD?

GD: After COD, I’m still deciding. I still want to keep playing, whether it’s at a college or at the club level. I’m trying to make all lines meet with school and soccer. I am an engineering major and COD has a lot of great partnerships, so we’re just trying to figure out which one will work the best.


LG: Do you enjoy any other sports?

GD: Growing up, soccer was my main sport but I also played baseball, basketball, and ran cross country and track in the past. But soccer is obviously number one now.


LG: How do you spend your free time when you aren’t playing soccer?

GD: I’m an engineering major, so academics take a lot of my time. Other than that I like to draw and play guitar so I have a creative aspect of my life too. 


LG: If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

GD: One book for the rest of my life? Probably the Bible. I grew up in a Catholic church, so it’s just really important to me.


LG: What one word best describes you?

GD: That’s a tough one. I think my teammates would probably say hardworking. 


LG: Thank you, Guy!

GD: Thank you so much for having me! It was really nice meeting you. 

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  • Vivian De FeoSep 11, 2023 at 10:38 pm

    Great interview! I enjoy watching Guy play, he plays hard and is tenacious on the field.