Aaron Ozee’s Journey to Becoming a Bestselling Author
September 12, 2017
Bestselling author Aaron Ozee found a love for writing when he was five years old. He would often create little picture books to share with his family. From ages seven to 11, he would bring spiral-bound notebooks to his father’s house and fill them cover-to-cover with short stories. As he grew up, his desire to communicate complex ideas and to share his creativity with the world turned his passion into a career.
“[When I wrote short stories,] it was my goal to communicate larger ideas in a certain number of pages,” Ozee said. “When I was at my dad’s, I was never outside; I was always writing. In a way, it had affected my relationships as I grew, but if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.”
Ozee attended Catholic school from grades one to six, when he then transferred to Indian Trail Junior High. At the age of 10, he connected with Cynthia Oberman, a teacher who encouraged him to pursue writing.
“She could tell I wasn’t always paying attention during class—I’d always be writing in my notebook or something—but she invited me to come in and share my writing with her, and that’s what I did after school every other day until the end of eighth grade,” Ozee said. “She had said I had a real talent for writing, and she offered me feedback and ways to further improve my writing.”
At the age of 15, he published his first poetry anthology, titled Celestial Inferno: Poems of Another Realm, comprised of fifty-odd poems he’d written up to that point. Several collections followed suit, the seventh of which earned him bestseller status, and by age 19, he had broken six world records, including “Most Books Published by a Teenager”, “Most E-books Published by a Teenager”, and more.
However, he actively encourages people to try to break those records. “It goes to show that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything,” Ozee said. “[My career] blossomed from one suggestion I got in eighth grade. Really, if you can visualize your goal, you can achieve it.”
Despite being tentative to show off his work in the past, he now spends time visiting schools, libraries, daycares, and bookstores to share his writing, mostly focusing on his two children’s books, Regulus and My Darling Child Shiloh.
A complete list of his published works can be found on his author page on Goodreads, as well as on his website, www.aaronozee.com.