“A day to celebrate your love for anyone”

Ashlee Berner, Design Editor

Valentine’s Day is coming up and that means candy, chocolate, flowers and presents. But that is not the case for everyone.

On social media, I’ve started to see the negative comments about this holiday and I can’t help but wonder why? People who are not in relationships commonly make these comments and I am here to tell you it is not that big a deal.

This will be my fourth Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend. Our first Valentine’s Day was fun because it was my first one with a guy, but since then it really isn’t that exciting anymore. We don’t need a day like Valentine’s Day to treat each other special and blow money on an expensive dinner or gifts. We don’t have that type of money to do that anyway being in college.

Since we don’t make a big deal about it, this Valentine’s Day we will watch a movie and order food like we do all the time, after going to work.

I’m not saying that Valentine’s Day is dumb, but I just wish there wasn’t so much hype about it. It is fun, but it eventually gets old. For those who are reading this and are not in a relationship, know that Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to revolve around the fact if you have a significant other or not. There are people all around you like friends and family who love you. I know that sounds cheesy, but Valentine’s Day can be a day to celebrate your love and appreciation for anyone, not just a significant other.

If you are in fact one of those people that has been saying they hate Valentine’s Day and you have no one to celebrate with, it really isn’t a big deal. The only reason I like it is because of all the chocolate everywhere. Other than that, it is just another day.