Point Counterpoint: Do you think Alfonzo Rachel’s points about Democratic racism and liberal ideology to be accurate? Why?

Miranda Shelton, Opinion Editor

Alfonzo Rachel, a famous right wing YouTuber who recently visited COD, has strong opinions on liberal ideology and enjoys voicing them to his extensive internet audience. People from all walks of life can have very strong and very different reactions to his statements, whether they are in complete agreement or disagreement. He believes the Democrats are responsible for racism in the U.S., and he uses historical facts to back up many of his videos. We found two people with completely different views and asked them to talk on the subject.




I generally find myself disagreeing with Rachel on most of his ideas. I personally do not agree that the Democrats have taken the victory of ending slavery from the Republican Party. It is a fact the Republicans did oppose slavery, and that the Democrats actually supported it. I do think, however, it is important to note that throughout history, both parties’ ideals have grown and changed with the world. In fact, the parties have both completely switched sides. The Republican party was once considered very liberal, and the Democrats conservative. Now, that has almost completely opposite. I am quite positive liberal Democrats today would find themselves identifying more with Republicans of that time. Both parties historically have been in the wrong at times, and the world as a whole has apologized and (for the most part) moved on from such travesties. However, I think at least within the past few decades, Democrats have made leaps and bounds in assisting minorities in the help and support they may need.


It’s a fact that the majority of people in low income areas are minorities, and they may need our help. Who are we to decide they don’t deserve government assistance when they have gotten the short end of the stick for centuries? Government assistance isn’t given to them because we think they’re lazy. Our government fully believes that with a little help they will be ready to get on their feet.


While Rachel might be factually accurate, he plays too hard into the historical past of both parties. While we need to be aware of what the past holds, we as a country must use that information to shape our future and to right our wrongs. A party that is stuck in the past simply will not do.