Conservative speaker Alfonzo Rachel to visit the College of DuPage
April 20, 2016
African American Christian conservative Alfonzo Rachel will visit the College of DuPage to speak about the history of Democratic racism and his problem with liberal ideology. Rachel is an internet personality that talks about many radical ideas that many figures, Democratic and Republican alike, will not touch. For instance he believes the Democratic Party is responsible for slavery, and that the party wants to keep the African American community in metaphoric “chains” so that the party receives their votes
“You think the Democrats have changed, and that the Republicans aren’t the party of Lincoln anymore,” said Rachel in a YouTube video. “Democrats haven’t changed. They still want you to be dependent on the master, and they’re still dependent on you. It’s just that now instead of using blacks to farm cotton, they now use you to farm votes, and you’ve been suckered into believing that this off balance circle of dependency is Democrats doing something for black folks. If Democrats do so much for you, why are you still so angry?”
He is being hosted by the Libertarian Club, COD’s chapter of Turning Point USA, who raised over $1,000 for him to visit through a GoFundMe account and grants from Turning Point USA and the Leadership Institute.
Rachel talks in his videos about conservative values, as well is very critical of liberal values and the Democratic Party. He hosts videos called “ZoNation with Alfonzo Rachel” on the channel “PJ Media” that has about 192,000 subscribers. He also has a personal channel that has about 42,000 subscribers called “Alfonzo Rachel” that is home to a large amount of supporters of his political views and the music of his band, “20lb Sledge.”
His most popular video, “The Reasons Why Democrats Are the Party of Slavery and Victimization,” has about 513,000 views and talks about the Democratic Party’s history with slavery and how it victimizes African Americans. Although he touches on other issues like gay marriage, abortion and Islam, his most popular content talks about liberal ideologies and what he sees as hypocritical.
Libertarian Club/COD Turning Point USA chapter President Joe Enders is proud the club was able to bring the speaker to the college. He believes Rachel will provide a more historical analysis of the American political system.
“Our sole interest is racial unity,” said Enders. “We feel the education system has ignored providing a truthful history of both the Republican and Democrat Parties. The same people who don’t want equality are using these racialized social programs to divide us. We will not stand for it.”
Rachel will be on campus from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on April 28 in HSC 1234.